Five Songs, 10/25/2020
Five Songs

Five Songs, 10/25/2020

Future Of The Left, "Chin Music"

The bass tone for Future of the Left always sounds like a million bucks. And they wisely make sure that it stays up front plenty so we can all enjoy the hell out of it.

...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, "Bells of Creation"

This album, The Century of Self, marked the point where I kind of lost track of Trail of Dead. Not because I stopped liking the music - they're still their normal bombastic selves here, making huge, emotional tunes - but just because sometimes we just fall off of bands. I think that maybe I wasn't hearing a lot of evolution in the band, and I kind of had heard what they had to say. That's maybe unfair, but there's not a lot separating this from the previous three records.

Obits, "You Gotta Lose"

Rick Froberg is one of my favorite rock singers of all time, and with the end of Hot Snakes, I was happy to hear him again with Obits. While it's not as fiery as his previous bands, it's still a bunch of fun.

Nation of Ulysses, "Look Out! Soul Is Back"

Lotta rock today again! Political hardcore act Nation of Ulysses only lasted for two albums, but they're both outstanding and manage to still sound fresh today. I think I slightly lean towards the second album, but both are worth listening to.

Yo La Tengo, "Mr. Tough"

Yo La Tengo at their most playful. Listen to that falsetto! Those horns! Honestly, they should really let it all hang out more often.

Joshua Buergel
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Five Songs, 10/26/2020

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Five Songs, 10/24/2020