Skalpel, "Quicksilver"
Love me a good jazz/DJ thing.
Destroyer, "The Bad Arts"
Streethawk: A Seduction was the first Destroyer record that I heard, and this was the song that I heard on that record that really got me going. Something about how spare a lot of the song is, just his voice and either a simple groove or his guitar, just works super well. A delightful tune.
Cherubs, "Sooey Pig"
You know, it would have been just fine with me if that first thirty seconds of formless guitar noise just kind of kept going. I have objections with the rest of this crawl, mind you. But I love me a good wad of meandering feedback.
Janitor Joe, "That Crazy Guy"
Midwestern noise rock in the early 90s, Janitor Joe had a couple of records out on Amphetamine Reptile Records that didn't make a huge splash. They were more like Tar than they were like Unsane, making them pretty accessible for this sort of thing. In another world, they might have made a little bit of a splash in the wake of Helmet's breakthough (or, say, Jawbox's lesser breakthrough). But, you never really know how things are going to break, so they're forgotten these days. Decent records if you like this style.
Calexico, "Heart of Downtown"
You might not have known until this very moment that you needed a Calexico Christmas album, but now that you know it exists, you do.