Hockey Night, "For Guys' Eyes Only"
[don't mention Pavement don't mention Pavement don't mention Pavement]
Hey, that doesn't actually sound much like Malkmus! It's more like Spiral Stairs.
[nailed it!]
Beck, "Sexx Laws"
Midnite Vultures starts off like this, letting us know that we are in for Party Beck instead of Sad Beck. I like Party Beck a lot more, personally.
Cannibal Ox, "Ox Out the Cage"
It's always fun to hear a record that still sounds fresh more than twenty years later. El-P's production on this record is so good that it still sounds futuristic even after all this time. A great record!
The Du-Rites, "Gamma Ray Funk"
Another J-Zone track today! The Du-Rites' third LP has them creating a soundtrack for a non-existent TV show, their tribute to the funk of the cop shows of the 70s. As with everything the Du-Rites have done, it's a fantastic time.
Mastodon, "Where Strides the Behemoth"
Mastodon's first record found the band with plenty of their stylistic markers already in place, from the prog-ish tendencies to the fill-tastic drumming. I think they would only improve from here (at least for a few records), but a point I've often made here is that it's a mistake to only focus on a band's best records to the exclusion of the other worthy records in their discography. So instead of spinning Blood Mountain again next time, I'm going to give Remission a go.