Five Songs, 7/26/2018
Five Songs

Five Songs, 7/26/2018

Nice one.

Gaunt, "Powder Keg Variety"

The formula is so simple. Just big guitars, big choruses, and a fun tune. It's Cheap Trick, basically. But, dammit, it's still delightful, and I can't get enough of this. I miss Gaunt, y'all.

Metallica, "The Judas Kiss"

The formula is so simple. Just big, fuck it.

Crackerbash, "Chesham"

The formul[gunshot]

One of the things I always liked about Crackerbash is is how rubbery their bass always sounded. It's so propulsive, especially when it separates a little from the main guitar line.

Huh, "Crackerbash Chesham" has zero hits on YouTube. That's never happened before. I sometimes don't get the song, but I've never seen a clean miss like that.

The Meters, "Here Comes The Meter Man"

While we're taking the time out to admire individual instruments, goddamn, get a load of Ziggy Modeliste's drums on this thing. I could just listen to that shit all day long. I have, in fact, listened to the Meters all day long on many occasions. And when you hit that break at the end, goddamn.

Limp Wrist, "Thick Skin"

Hardcore band out of New York, Limp Wrist are self-described "queercore", attempting to address gay issues in their songs. But, I'll be honest: it's not always really easy to tell what they're singing about. But no matter: it's good hardcore, so can I get a hell yes?

Joshua Buergel
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Five Songs, 7/24/2018