There's nothing special about today. Sorry about that, after yesterday being our first special and all. Just some tunes for you.
JD And The Evil's Dynamite Band, "My Beach, My Waves, Fuck Off!"
Funk revivalists on Soul Fire records, you'll encounter few artists quite as dedicated to re-creating the feel and experimentation of the original funk scene as these folks. There's only one album from them, though, and I don't really know much more about them than that.
All, "Politics"
We've discussed All a little bit when we encountered the Descendents and TonyAll, but here's the first time we've encountered the actual band. And, unfortunately, it's from late period All. Somewhere around the transition between their second singer (Scott Reynolds) and third (Chad Price), a bunch of All's songs started getting ugly. "Keep your politics out of [whatever]" is usually right-wing code for "I don't want to be confronted with the grievances of people I don't consider 'normal'", so this song is one I found to be pretty awful even when I first heard it as a teenager. The charming band of Allroy Sez... and Allroy for Prez seemed to be long gone, replaced by a much nastier band. The followup to this album, Pummel, really showed that the band I used to love was dead ("don't call me homophobic / I'm not afraid of you", eeesh).
Butter 08, "Sex Symbol"
Side project of Cibo Matto and Russel Simins of the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, this is a pretty fun record. Really, I just love listening to Simins play drums, so I was all in.
U.S. Maple, "Mountain Top"
I could have sworn we'd had US Maple on here before, but apparently not. Chicago based weirdos U.S. Maple followed the footsteps of Shorty, with Al Johnson and Mark Shippy coming from that band. They were dedicated to deconstructing rock as far as they could while still making something that would be recognizable to most as rock. What they produced struck most people as complete nonsense, but if you listen to enough of it, you start to develop a real love for it. They made five albums, and I actually love all of them. If I picked one, it would probably be Talker, although Long Hair in Three Stages is probably their most conventional record.
(NB: "Mountain Top" starts at 11:04 in the linked video.)
Hot Snakes, "Kreative Kontrol"
Legendary post-hardcore band Drive Like Jehu only lasted for two albums, which is a shame, as both are totally awesome. Luckily, John Reis (also leader of Rocket From The Crypt) and Rick Froberg got back together for Hot Snakes. That gave us another three albums from the pair to enjoy, which I treasure. Audit in Progress is my favorite of the three albums.