Pyrrhon, "Forget Yourself"
From Pyrron's EP released after their second album, this is a good example of their hyperkinetic technical death metal. This is a short record, but they pack a lot into the thirteen minutes.
Common, "Go"
Common's discography is uneven, but the high points are outstanding. I probably would take Be as my favorite, the Kanye West-helmed record which represented a bit of a comeback after the so-so Electric Circus. This was after Kanye West had become a star, but before he had become a megastar, and his ego didn't get in the way here. The record is warm, full of soul, and has Common at the top of his form.
GoGo Penguin, "All Res"
Jazz trio GoGo Penguin make jazz that is infused with a fair bit of rock, and often sounds like it's right on the edge of not being jazz. Alas, it definitely is, which means I definitely can go no further on this description, as I'm not qualified to talk about jazz. But barely, in this case!
The Beatles, "Rock And Roll Music"
Don't sign your songs, Beatles.
Wilco, "Normal American Kids"
Wilco released two albums in quick succession, Star Wars and Schmilco, with the latter being the quieter and more contemplative one. Many of the songs were recorded during the same sessions. I didn't really care for the former, but the latter (which this song comes from) is much more to my taste.