

Five Songs

Five Songs, 7/27/2021

It has been about a month since I've written one of these. How is that possible, with me not missing a day? Prior to going on vacation for a while, I had piled up a bunch of pre-written posts for you all to enjoy (?) while...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 4/4/2021

Gaunt, "I Don't Care" I praise Gaunt pretty shamelessly on here, because they're one of those bands (along with yesterday's Hammerhead) that click perfectly with me. That, combined with the fact that they're mostly forgotten today, makes me want to really push them on folks....

Five Songs

Five Songs, 6/12/2017

Prompted by it coming up during an off-blog shuffle, at some point The Beatles are going to come up here. I have all their albums, after all. Can you even find them on YouTube? I don't know, I guess I'll find out. Today is not...