Sometimes, this music is awesome.
No, Five Songs isn't back, not really. Probably soon, though. Why not! I figured out how to make emails on these things work, which would be nice. No, instead I'm taking a break from writing on my newly resurrected gaming blog about my new in-progress...
The Good, The Bad & The Queen, "Herculean"
This is one of Damon Albarn's side projects, kind of a supergroup. And it was sort of the record that convinced me that maybe Damon Albarn's stuff isn't really my jam. It's not like I don't like this...
Lily Allen, "Lost My Mind"
I really liked the first Lily Allen album, as a bubbly and charming piece of pop that borrowed some elements of ska to add to her confections. Really quite a delightful album. I have largely gotten diminishing returns from each...
Dr. Dre, "Mix Tape 2 Track 1"
My understanding is that this is from a mix tape that Dre used to sell at the Compton Swap Meet, which eventually made its way onto the internet. I've got three of these things, and it's a delight...
Jake One, "Great Sound"
You know, if you're going to do a skit, this is the way to do it.
J Church, "Cosmonaut"
A cut from the final J Church album, The Horror of Life. By this point, Lance Hahn was already battling the kidney...