

Five Songs

Five Songs, 2/1/2018

Full on rock today. Descendents, "I Wanna Be A Bear" There's only so much one can say about a 40 second hardcore song. New Pornographers, "Champions of Red Wine" From the New Pornographers' sixth album, Brill Bruisers, this album felt like something of a return...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 9/21/2017

Make! The most! Of my! Toe toast! Hey, while we're giggling over this first Descendents track, a Five Songs correspondent pointed out the existence of this masterpiece, which is really breathtaking. Descendents, "Enjoy" A couple albums into the Descendents' snotty punk career, the casual observer...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 6/20/2017

Final rules are available for Fox in the Forest, if anybody wants to check them out. Reviews have started coming in and they're very positive so far. I'm sure I'll get clobbered soon, but it feels good right now. Oh, you came for music? Steady...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 6/16/2017

Just narrowly missed "Buffalo Soldier", as played on a xylophone today. Dodged that bullet! Here's what we do have today. Taylor Swift, "Style" I try to not be totally ignorant of current pop music, but let's be honest: I usually am pretty ignorant. Every now...