The streak is alive!
New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble, "Low Blow"
This is from the second New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble record, Low Blow. To recap, the NYSJE was assembled from a bunch of folks from various bands in NYC, including the Toasters, the Scofflaws, and one...
The White Stripes, "Fell In Love With a Girl"
White Blood Cells still strikes me as such an unusual breakout album. The White Stripes didn't particularly soften their approach or anything, it's still the same kind of garage rock they'd been making to this point,...
Bathory, "Possessed"
Bathory's second album, The Return of the Darkness and Evil, was one of the touchstones in black metal's first wave. Most of the traits of the genre were in place at this point, with the murky production, shrieked vocals, satanic themes, and punishing...
I had to upload three of these songs myself. You know you're in for the good stuff!
Lawsuit, "Thank God You're Doing Fine"
I just noticed now that I have a typo in the song title for my rip of this song. Huh. Anyway, Lawsuit...
I'm going to see The Wedding Present tonight! I'm super excited, I haven't been to a show in a bit, and they've been a favorite band for a long time. I'm super tempted to break my own rules to have them come up, but no,...