Buzzcocks, "Lester Sands"
The Buzzcocks were one of the best of punk's first wave, but unlike a lot of the other greats of that scene, they didn't totally disappear. The went away for a while, but re-formed in the early 90s, and then started putting out an album every few years. This is from their self-titled 2003 record on Merge, a fitting home given how many Merge bands were inspired by the Buzzcocks (especially Superchunk). It's pretty nuts-and-bolts punk rock, but Pete Shelly and Steve Diggle are always worth listening to.
Therapy?, "God Kicks"
From their 1999 album Suicide Pact - You First, this is an outlier on the album, a contemplative thing quite different from the alt-metal on the rest of the record.
The Rolling Stones, "Rocks Off"
The opening to Exile on Main St., the double album that capped off the only period of the Stones that I listen to. I guess I don't feel the need to go further out than their late 60s-early 70s run, there's four great albums I can listen to there, and that gives me plenty of Stones.
藤田正嘉, "Botuto"
If I'm not qualfied to talk about jazz (and I'm not), I'm eight-thousand times less qualified to talk about Japanese jazz. I only found this because it's a collaboration with Jan Jelinek, which I suppose you can probably tell listening to this if you're familiar with Jelinek. Anyway, enjoy!
The Mighty Mocambos, "Political Power"
An unusual Mighty Mocambos track, because it features vocals from Afrika Bambaataa. They're also going for more of a hard funk sound here, kind of a cop show funk feel to things. Lovely stuff.