Five Songs, 11/24/2021
Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/24/2021

Godflesh, "Pulp"

When Streetcleaner was released, people would lump it in with grindcore, because Justin Broadrick cut his teeth in grindcore progenitors Napalm Death. But this isn't grindcore, not the way we understand the genre today. Listen to yesterday's Piss Vortex track again (it's only thirty seconds!) to remind yourselves of what we think of grindcore. Instead, this really is either slowed down industrial metal (given the drum machine driving the proceedings) or more like doom. Either way, this is a touchstone for numerous heavy bands, who look to the plodding, punishing rhythems of this record for inspiration on how to make something really heavy.

Stevie Wonder, "All in Love is Fair"

I think the transition from Godflesh to Stevie Wonder is really the quintessential Five Songs experience, you know?

The Blood Brothers, "Laser Life"

The Blood Brothers were known for some really toe-curling howling, but occasionally their tracks were more accessible than that, with this song being a great example. Don't be fooled! Much of the rest of their stuff can be pretty savage stuff.

Sebadoh, "Cecilia Chime In Melee"

Sebadoh found themselves on Sub Pop with this record, Smash Your Head on the Punk Rock, which combines some truly sublime material from Lou Barlow with some pretty outré stuff from the other guys in the band. That contrast is central to the Sebadoh experience, the contrast between some lovely pop songs and formless experimentation, and this album has one of the sharpest contrasts from them.

Times New Viking, "DROP - OUT"

Fantastic band name.

Joshua Buergel
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Five Songs Special, 11/25/2021

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Five Songs, 11/23/2021