Five Songs, 7/1/2017
Five Songs

Five Songs, 7/1/2017

Another month, same old nonsense. Still having fun, though. Let's listen to some tunes!

Skinny Puppy, "Dogshit"

Skinny Puppy returns with a track off of what I think is their second-best album, VIVIsectVI. What made the album great was how surprising it all managed to sound. Between the abrasive noises, sampled vocals, synth lines that would layer up, and Ogre's variety of vocal attacks, it all manages to keep you completely on edge while listening.

George Harrison, "Never Get Over You"

Always overshadowed in the Beatles by Lennon and McCartney, Harrison had a solid solo career that is bookended by his two best albums, All Things Must Pass and the album this song comes from, Brainwashed. Completed posthumously, it's a bright pop album that serves as a fitting cap to his career.

The Queers, "That Girl"

Dumb-ass Ramones revivalists The Queers are exactly what they sound like in this track: snotty and playing essentially the same songs that the Ramones were playing back in the day. If you need more of that in your life, well, you've got a source for it.

Cold, Bold & Together, "Somebody's Gonna Burn Ya"

Part of the Wheedle's Groove: Seattle's Finest in Funk & Soul 1965-75 compilation put out by Light in the Attic records, it's exactly what it says on the tin. If you like funk and soul, you should grab it, as it documents a scene that nobody really remembers. There's also a fun documentary (here's the trailer) to go with it.

Ghostface Killah, "The Faster Blade"

At this point, aside from the RZA's impressive production list, Ghostface has had the best solo career of any of the Wu-Tang MCs. Among other things, he's managed to continue making good records for a long time, something that has eluded most of the other candidates. This track, from his solo debut Ironman, is a solid one.

Joshua Buergel
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Five Songs, 7/2/2017

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