Pigs, "Bug Boy"
Side project of Unsane bassist Dave Curran, it's easy to see the lineage here. This is just pure noise rock in the NYC form, all splattered riffs and yelling. So, yeah, of course I like this. Both Pigs albums are totally worth listening to if you're a noise rock person.
Iron & Wine, "Pagan Angel and a Borrowed Car"
Iron & Wine is one of those acts where I always enjoy listening to his stuff, and simultaneously have trouble distinguishing it. If you asked me what made this album (The Shepherd's Dog) different from his other work, I'd have to kind of shrug a little bit. It's all good, but it's tough to say what my favorite is.
OK, that's a lie, it's his work with Calexico.
Margie Joseph, "Sweeter Tomorrow"
This great piece comes to us right from the middle of Stax peak popularity period, the years after Atlantic but before the return to independence. Great stuff.
Pussy Galore, "Renegade!"
The final Pussy Galore record (Dial 'M' For Motherfucker) has one of the greatest all-time punk album names. It also shows Pussy Galore having their shit (relatively) together, with Jon Spencer unquestionably in the driver's seat, and presaging his great work with the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. Pussy Galore of course exploded not long after this record, with the JSBX emerging as a phoenix from the flames (and Royal Trux, I suppose).
Raekwon, "The Wild Intro"
An intro. Whatever!