Five Songs, 8/30/2023
Five Songs

Five Songs, 8/30/2023

Neko Case & Her Boyfriends, "Whip the Blankets"

Fuck yeah, Neko Case doing a convincing June Carter impression here, great stuff.

One Eye Open, "Blue Gene Blues"

This is from a split LP with Janitors Against Apartheid, the final track, and it's...look, it's not good. I mean, even if you skip all the silence from the CD fuckery, this is still just fuckin' around. This record also got Dill Records flattened in a lawsuit over the cover art, so it's just a bad scene all around.

El-P, "Squeegee Man Shooting"

This is from El-P's first solo record after Company Flow, Fantastic Damage, and it's an essential part of his discography. It's a big step beyond Company Flow because El-P was starting to create his signature sci-fi sound by this record, with various strange and/or abrasive noises crammed into every nook and corner of his beats.

Guerilla Toss, "Jesus Rabbit"

I don't remember what prompted me to try this record, but I had a visceral reaction to it. I just instantly disliked it after one listen, and did not want to go back. So, this is the first time I've heard anything from it since. And what do I think? I don't like this at all!

We don't get too many records on here that I just don't like at all, for the obvious reason that I mostly try to only get records I think I'll like. So enjoy!

Melvins, "Stop Moving to Florida"

Jeff Pinkus (Butthole Surfers) was on bass for this record, Pinkus Abortion Technician, and they went all-in on Surfers. From the reference of the album name to two Surfers covers, they were going to really do it. This is one of those covers, of "Moving to Florida" from the Cream Corn From the Socket of Davis EP. If you've got a Surfer around, you aren't going to waste him.

Joshua Buergel
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Five Songs, 8/31/2023

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