Five Songs, 9/21/2022
Five Songs

Five Songs, 9/21/2022

The Slackers, "Like a Virgin"

Several times in the past (no, I'm not going to look it up), I've talked about how mostly ska covers do nothing for me. The major exception to that are the Slackers, who consistently kill it. But I'd also listen to Vic Ruggiero sing a menu.

Mix Master Mike, "U Know the Name"

Legendary DJ Mix Master Mike has a few albums out under his name, where he often brings along various guest rappers to tear it up in-between instrumental tracks. Spin Psycle is the best of that bunch, off of a very good guest roster.

Negativland, "Favorite Things"

Some of my favorite Negativland tracks are the ones that sound like your brain has completely skipped a groove. It's what I imagine my eventual stroke will sound like inside my head.

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, "La Costa Brava"

I really need to listen to more Ted Leo. I just have this one record.

I guess today is going to be short.

Skankin' Pickle, "Violent Love"

Yes, this is a cover, from an entire album of covers. Which is also where that first one came from. Well, not the same album. But they're both from covers albums. Anyway, this is a Willie Dixon song, which was probably more famous from Oingo Boingo performing it. I'll let you judge both tracks. This blog is done!

Joshua Buergel
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Five Songs, 9/22/2022

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