Mu330, "Around You"
There's sort of a darker edge to this song, with the horns especially, which is fairly unusual among the third-wave bands that were Mu330's peers. Of course, this isn't ska, this is rock with horns.
Beck, "Strange Apparition"
Mostly, I look...
Christmas Eve! This is all pre-recorded, so I hope you all are enjoying your holidays! Here's your decidedly non-Christmas playlist for today!
The Minus 5, "The Town That Lost Its Groove Supply"
Another song from Down With Wilco, a thoroughly charming album that I heartily...
You know what I should do in these intros? I should probably just mention new music I've picked up recently. christian fitness has a new record that I just picked up, and it's good so far. And I bought the new album from Nightbringer, a...