
Fall Out Boy

Five Songs

Five Songs, 8/14/2022

The Avalanches, "The Divine Chord" A thing I admire about Johnny Marr (who guested on this song) is that he's cheerfully helped on about a zillion things in his post-Smiths career, and they're pretty all over the map. And he seems happy to do it....

Five Songs

Five Songs, 8/9/2021

Fall Out Boy, "Saturday" Pop punk is one of those genres that never really changes or evolves, and just relies on sappy emotion and snappy songs. You really need to nail the catchy songs and the energy or it's going to come across as limp...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 4/16/2021

Conjurer, "Blood and Thunder" Conjurer followed up their excellent 2018 album Mire by doing a couple of collaborative records in 2019. They put out Curse These Metal Hands (which is great!) with Pijn, and then the record with today's track, Conjurer x Palm Reader. It's,...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 1/5/2021

Rapeman, "Monobrow" The disconnected guitar skronk at the front of this song is weirdly something that kind of sticks with me. I think because it kind of lays bare what noise rock kind of sounds like when its stripped of all the layers. And, of...