Conjurer, "Blood and Thunder"
Conjurer followed up their excellent 2018 album Mire by doing a couple of collaborative records in 2019. They put out Curse These Metal Hands (which is great!) with Pijn, and then the record with today's track, Conjurer x Palm Reader. It's, uh, a split with Palm Reader. It's just a four-song EP, with Conjurer contributing this cover of Mastodon's song along with a cover of Slipknot's "Vermillion". It's certainly an inessential record, but fun enough.
Fall Out Boy, "Dance, Dance"
I love the first Fall Out Boy record, but I think the rewards for me fell off pretty quickly. This is a good record, it does exactly what they wanted to do, I can admire its construction, and I just do not love it.
White Lung, "Below"
Canadian punk! Woooo!
I have not a lot to say today!
Couch Slut, "Funeral Dyke"
I know I've made the comparison before, but I'm going to make it again: this band strikes me as nothing so much as the second incarnation of Unsane. From the urgent, overdriven production, the vocal distortion, the relentless attack, and even the shocking cover art, there's just a ton of similarity between the bands.
Superchunk, "Hyper Enough"
This song rules, this album rules, Superchunk rules. Also? This video rules.