clipping., "Story 2"
CLPPNG, the first full record from clipping., was a record with the band still kind of piecing together what they had. It would be on the next album (Splendor & Misery) that everything would come together perfectly, but there are still times on...
Gob, "Cleansing"
This song sounds weird in only one earbud.
Green Day, "Nice Guys Finish Last"
nimrod. is the Green Day album I listen to the least. It's not because of the songs that break out of the pop punk mold, but because the punk...
Pavement, "Stereo"
I dunno, I just love Pavement. Just hearing the intro to this song puts a grin on my face. I haven't gotten sick of it yet, and I hope I never do. Pavement will probably be one of those bands that my kids...
Green Day, "Hitchin' a Ride"
Nimrod is an uneven record, but I really like the high points of it, and this is one of them, I think. It's nice to hear them expirimenting with their formula some, as Insomniac really did not at all.
Buildings, "Smell the Pool"
I really kind of tend to think of noise rock as mostly a 90s thing, with it kind of falling out of fashion after that point. But, of course, it's alive and well, and bands like yesterday's Pile and today's Buildings...