
Kool and the Gang

Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/21/2019

John Oswald, "x24" I'd say that most of Oswald's work doesn't make sense out of context of the rest of the album, but let's be clear, it doesn't really make sense in context either. But, hell, enjoy Oswald jacking "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" here. Why not?...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 12/14/2017

Another year-end roundup, this time from NPR. Meanwhile, another good set today. I feel like shuffle has been doing well for a little while. Bim Skala Bim, "Shoes" I'm surprised we haven't seen Bim Skala Bim yet. One of the earliest bands of the third...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 6/4/2017

I recognize that saying you listen to everything is kind of a lame move. It's a refusal to put a stake in the ground and express your preferences, and mostly seems to be used by people who aren't really that into music. What this project...