

Five Songs

Five Songs, 10/15/2020

Sumerlands, "Blind" We've talked around here a lot (well, I talked...typed...whatever) about metal's many genres. One thing that these genres can do is result in pigeonholing your listening too much. So, I periodically sample from genres that I'm not big on. Usually it...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 9/27/2020

Tilt, "Partial Birth" Tilt started their career recording for Lookout Records and then moved to Fat Wreck Chords, which is going to create a picture for you if you know these labels. And that picture is completely correct with one minor detail - the woman...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 5/24/2017

Today's entry is probably the most divided one we've ever had. Two songs of pure pop (separated by over 40 years), two disparate slabs of uncompromising noise, and one song of old, yet futuristic sounding hip hop. That's the stuff. Lily Allen, "Him" Lily Allen's...