

Five Songs

Five Songs, 9/30/2020

The Allstonians, "One Day" The Allstonians produced two fantastic albums in the heart of the third wave, their self-titled record and Allston Beat. Both were fine, tuneful examples of what the third wave did well, horn driven tunes that borrowed liberally from ska history. There...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/4/2018

Hooray, Five Songs! Uncle Tupelo, "Graveyard Shift" If you type the words "Uncle Tupelo" into a blog twice within an hour of midnight, it summons the band. Or so I'm led to believe by the worst horror story in the world, "Attack Of The Alt-Country...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 4/16/2018

Less talk, more...rock? today. Negativland, "Seat Bee Sate" This is another track from an Over The Edge compilation, this time Volume 8: Sex Dirt. Still nonsense, of course. Weezer, "Butterfly" Pinkerton really is their best album, y'all. I still don't know why I have...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 1/11/2018

Please listen to these songs. They need love. Or don't, but if you don't, I don't know why you're here. Secrets of the Sky, "Eternal Wolves" Obviously, this is metal. I mean, come on. "Eternal Wolves"? So corny. Anyway, this is doom metal, one of...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 5/5/2017

When I started doing this, my only real hope was to find and remember some great music from the dusty corners of my own collection, and maybe help somebody else discover a new favorite. Well, mission accomplished on the second point! Feels pretty good. Here's...