
Skinny Puppy

Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/27/2020

Obits, "I Want Results" There's an interesting comparison to make between Obits and Rocket from the Crypt. We know what John Reis and Rick Froberg sound like when they're writing songs and performing together (great!). But their bands apart give a window into what they...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 7/1/2017

Another month, same old nonsense. Still having fun, though. Let's listen to some tunes! Skinny Puppy, "Dogshit" Skinny Puppy returns with a track off of what I think is their second-best album, VIVIsectVI. What made the album great was how surprising it all managed to...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 6/10/2017

Will I figure out how to schedule posts for this, a Saturday post written ahead of time? Probably not! At least music doesn't really expire. Ice Cube, "Record Company Pimpin'" At his peak, Ice Cube was the best. Lyrical content aside, his rhymes were amazing,...