

Five Songs

Five Songs, 10/1/2020

Mastodon, "Black Tongue" With Crack The Skye, Mastodon had kind of reached the end of an exploration, into very prog-y songwriting. In a lot of ways, it mirrored where Metallica had reached with ...And Justice For All, and with both bands, the next album represented...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 4/18/2018

We finish on a couple of great notes here. They Might Be Giants, "B19 Spare The Rock (bumper)" It's a bumper that was included with a Dial-a-Song download package. Not much else to say. Descendents, "Coffee Mug" And this song from the Descendents isn't a...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 12/14/2017

Another year-end roundup, this time from NPR. Meanwhile, another good set today. I feel like shuffle has been doing well for a little while. Bim Skala Bim, "Shoes" I'm surprised we haven't seen Bim Skala Bim yet. One of the earliest bands of the third...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 6/17/2017

Back in those music salt mines, bringing you more sparkling treats! (NB: the last track is only on Bandcamp - I didn't upload it to Youtube, because that seemed kind of dodgy.) Conlon Nancarrow, "Study No. 2a" Nancarrow is one of the most avant-garde artists...