
The Allstonians

Five Songs

Five Songs, 5/31/2022

I'm really wobbling here - I think at some point pretty soon, I'm going to stop updating this every day. It just consumes a little bit too much of my creative time, and I'd like to do something else. 400 Blows, "The Root of Our...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/1/2021

Modest Mouse, "Tundra/Desert" Before what I consider their breakthrough, The Lonesome Crowded West, Modest Mouse was making jagged, interesting music that sometimes was too much of a mess to really be great. But, I have to say, the older I get, the more I...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 1/3/2021

SNFU, "Reality Is A Ride On The Bus" SNFU's 1993 album, Something Green and Leafy This Way Comes, came out on Epitaph and marked a turn more towards pop punk as opposed to their earlier hardcore. And, honestly, it doesn't suit them. This song, for...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 9/30/2020

The Allstonians, "One Day" The Allstonians produced two fantastic albums in the heart of the third wave, their self-titled record and Allston Beat. Both were fine, tuneful examples of what the third wave did well, horn driven tunes that borrowed liberally from ska history. There...