Prince, "All The Critics Love U In New York"
Somehow, 23 years before their first record, Prince laid a pretty savage burn on LCD Soundsystem.
Jawbox, "Meathook"
Jawbox put together a comp, My Scrapbook Of Fatal Accidents, which gathered together most of their non-album releases in one place. There's some solid stuff on it, and I recommend it for Jawbox fans. What we have here is one of the real oddities, a cover of the Cure's "Meathook", which serves best as a companion piece to their cover of Tori Amos's "Cornflake Girl".
Eggs, "Baked Alaska"
Another comp! Oddball indie act Eggs had an eclectic approach, throwing basically everything at the wall, of which only some stuck. They sort of remind me more of early Sebadoh than anything else, in their anarchic spirit. As you might imagine, a band that is all over the map is even more so on a comp.
Don Caballero, "Details on How To Get Iceman On Your License Plate"
Don Caballero dialed back the fury somewhat on their fourth record (American Don), while still keeping all the twisty math-y stuff. The result is something that comes across as more jazzy than their previous stuff, which means I probably ought to be quiet about it. Cool song, though.
Charlene and the Soul Children, "Love Changes"
Holy shit, y'all!