Big Black, "I Can Be Killed"
From the first Big Black release, Lungs (later collected on The Hammer Party), this was all done entirely by Steve Albini. After this EP, Albini was able to put together an actual band, and the Big Black sound would come together. Despite that, you can still hear Albini's approach developing on these songs, which read almost New Wave at times.
The Supremes, "A Breathtaking Guy"
Hell yeah!
They Might Be Giants, "Name"
A random Dial-a-Song song, one in which they couldn't even really be bothered with a proper, um, name. It's fine! I enjoy this sort of thing.
Blood Orange, "Hope"
One of my favorite albums that I picked up during the 2018 year end roundup frenzy, Negro Swan is R&B, I suppose. But it draws from so many different things that I think that simple description is really selling it short.
5ive Style, "Hit The Decks"
5ive Style, a side project of a bunch of post-rock people in Chicago, including members of Tortoise and Isotope 217, were very much in that same instrumental tradition, but more playful on balance. It can be a bit forgettable, but plenty pleasant to listen to in the moment.