
5ive Style

Five Songs

Five Songs, 8/26/2021

Tar, "G7" Well, I just mentioned Amphetamine Reptile Records the other day! Here's one of my favorite bands from that label, but in their post-AmRep days. They put out two albums and an EP on AmRep and then left to put out some tunes for...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 1/9/2020

Big Black, "I Can Be Killed" From the first Big Black release, Lungs (later collected on The Hammer Party), this was all done entirely by Steve Albini. After this EP, Albini was able to put together an actual band, and the Big Black sound would...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 5/31/2018

Today! 5ive Style, "Father Time" Composed of folks from various post-rock bands such as Tortoise and Isotope 217, 5ive Style are themselves very post-rock themselves. They have a looser, groovier kind of vibe compared to their parent bands, however. Overall, their two albums are both...