Five Songs, 10/7/2021
Five Songs

Five Songs, 10/7/2021

Dis, "I'm Not Sagan"

The Historically Troubled Third Album is a really fantastic album name.

Aretha Franklin, "Save Me"

I'm often at a loss for words when we have some of the all-time greats come up on here, particularly folks like the great soul artists. There's nothing I can really say that's going to add anything here. Of course Aretha Franklin was great. We should all listen to more of her!

Elvis Costello, "New Amsterdam"

During his run of basically perfect records, he put out Get Happy!! as his tribute to, well, soul. It was a little bit of a different direction from Armed Forces, which was sort of a refinement of the path he'd been going down. Anyway, it's a great record. Lots of great stuff today!

Simon & Garfunkel, "Bye Bye Love"


Black Eyed Peas, "BEP Empire"

It really is funny to listen to BEP's pre-Fergie material. It's basically a totally different band, and without knowing their history, I think you'd have a hard time connecting this to the later dance stuff from them.

Joshua Buergel
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