Morrissey, "He Knows I'd Love To See Him"
This is from the non-album single November Spawned A Monster, where he continued working with ex-Smiths bassist Andy Rourke, and is some of the better stuff from his solo career. It's just three songs, but they're good songs. You know, if you can stand Morrissey.
Sharon Van Etten, "Comeback Kid"
I haven't followed Van Etten too closely, but her most recent album (Remind Me Tomorrow) got strong reviews based on having added a lot richer arrangements, and I picked it up. It's pretty good! I should actually recommend it to my sister, she would like it (she does not read this blog).
Enya, "Shepherd Moons"
United Waters, "Ride The Midnight Home"
Hmm...don't remember this. 2017 release...might have picked this up during my traditional "buy too much stuff from end-of-year lists and forget to listen to some of it" frenzy. We're almost at that time of year! Can't wait to get some stuff I'll rediscover in four years! This is pretty good, and kind of fits today's mood.
The White Stripes, "Blue Orchid"
Geez, I shouldn't have said I stopped caring about repeats, because apparently I still do, we're doing six today! At least!
Cobalt, "Animal Law"
There have been several bands named Cobalt, this is the metal band from Colorado. Gin is one of the better reviewed American black metal albums around, but there was a seven year gap between it and the album with this song, Slow Forever. That time was marked by a falling out between the singer and the rest of the band, which is serious when it's a two-person band. But Erik Wunder (who played every instrument) continued forward with a new vocalist on this record. Uh, not that you can tell here.