Head of David, "Wolf"
Oh god, this is a bad song. I'm so, so sorry, if anybody is listening to this. This is like something straight out of the cheesiest fever swamps of power metal, but with no ridiculous flaming guitar solo.
Burning Airlines, "A Song With No Words"
Much better! One of the slower songs from Burning Airlines, but still with that little keening guitar line to keep things interesting. And I love the way that they recorded the bass for their albums.
The Meters, "Funky Miracle"
The Meters, out of New Orleans, started out playing instrumental funk in the vein of Booker T. & the M.G.'s, and eventually started branching out into more stuff with vocals and a more expansive variety of sounds. They're one of the foundational funk bands from my perspective, and their run from the self-titled debut up through Fire on the Bayou is all great. This is from one of their earlier albums, Look-Ka Py Py, which is one of the two I'd suggest starting with (the second being Rejuvenation, which gives an idea of what they started sounding like with vocals).
Melvins, "The Talking Horse"
Two drummers. Such a good idea. Why don't more bands use two drummers? So much more rockin'.
Easy Big Fella, "Picture Show"
I'm sure it's just fueled by nostalgia, but I can't help but be charmed by a song like this.