
Burning Airlines

Five Songs

Five Songs, 10/4/2021

Merle Haggard, "Are The Good Times Really Over (I Wish A Buck Was Still Silver)" Personally, I look to my country music artists for trenchant commentary on monetary policy. They Might Be Giants, "Bangs" The opening of Mink Car, the last record TMBG released for...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/6/2017

Today's play list. Head of David, "Wolf" Oh god, this is a bad song. I'm so, so sorry, if anybody is listening to this. This is like something straight out of the cheesiest fever swamps of power metal, but with no ridiculous flaming guitar solo....

Five Songs

Five Songs, 10/17/2017

Takes a bit to get going, but we close with a couple outstanding songs. The Might Be Giants, "Can You Find It?" This song, from Here Come the ABC's, really doesn't make any sense without the accompanying video. I mean, to the extent it makes...