Vertigo, "Sit Down and Shut Up"
Psychedelic noise rockers Vertigo had one final EP in 1993, Driver #43, which might have been their best single release. By this point, they were playing pretty tight, and everything was really hitting. It's a shame that they never had the chance to build further on this record.
Bummer, "Reefer Sadness"
Noise rock today! Bummer hail from Kansas, and it's very Midwestern in style. All burly growling guitars and shouting, descended from the Chicago tradition. This is a satisfying record if you like the style.
Dr. Dre, "Track 07"
This comes from a really early mixtape from Dr. Dre that I got from a friend who got them from...somewhere. Okayplayer forum? It's obviously extremely raw, but this is still pretty fun and of historical interest. I've got a couple of these things, although this is the earliest of those mixtapes.
The Presidents of the United States of America, "Twig"
I'm a broken record on this, er, record, but I really do think it's so charming. There's no new ground broken on it, but the songs are clever and catchy, and what more do you need?
Grant Hart, "Run Run Run to the Centre Pompidou"
Maybe Hart's best overall post-Hüsker record, Good News For Modern Man, this album was released after Hart went back to being a solo artist after recording with Nova Mob. It's mostly a pretty light album, although this is the chirpiest song on the record, so don't expect everything to be as Beach Boys-y as this track.