Xzibit, "Just Maintain"
Before he was a tv host, before he was an ubiquitous (and now old) meme, before he was a famous rapper who appeared in video games, Xzibit was a promising young rapper who put out a couple albums that were pretty good. This is from the first of those records, from 1996, sounding every inch like it was from 1996.
Blue Meanies, "When We Were Queens"
I kind of poke fun at the Blue Meanies here quite a bit, because, well, they just doesn't appeal to me much any more. But the horns sound pretty good here!
Obsian, "Cavernous"
Obsian played around with the conventions of black metal, taking things in a little bit more of a progressive direction, while still having a lot of the sounds of black metal. For example, the ending of this song has some of those progressive sounds you wouldn't expect in just straight black metal. This was their final record, and I don't really know a whole lot else about them.
Sebadoh, "God Told Me"
One of the things that made Sebadoh's III great is how many different kinds of songs they execute well on it. This is a very good punk burner!
They Might Be Giants, "I Am Alone"
A classic Linnell cracked story here, this tune comes to us from Phone Power, the somewhat uneven album derived from the 2015 weekly Dial-a-Song exercise. Like its companion, Glean, it seems a little bit rushed, and is not their best material. Although the highlights are still good, of course.