Mastodon, "North Side Star"
Mastodon released Cold Dark Place in 2017, an EP of miscellaneous songs that were recorded during the sessions for Emperor of Sand and Once More 'Round The Sun. Like most leftovers EPs, it's a bit of a mixed bag, but basically fits in well with those albums. If you really want more latter day Mastodon, you can do worse than this record. For instance, you could buy an album from a totally unrelated band. That would be a bad move!
Mono Men, "Boss"
Garage rock, fuck yeah!
Wrong, "Crawl Instead"
Wrong is a bit of a supergroup, I guess, featuring members of Torche and Kylesa, with a couple of albums of noise rock under their belts, throwing back to the classic Amphetamine Reptile sound. That's classic, right? It's classic. Anyway, this song in particular sounds like it was chipped off the Unsane block, which totally makes sense to me.
DJ/rupture, "untitled b1 / Crossing Kingston Bridge"
This album is a pain in the ass, all the tracks are just named after the songs that went into them. I'm going to talk about the dead prez song that went into this - that first dead prez album (Let's Get Free) is one of the giants of political hip-hop, an unapologetic bomb-throwing piece of agitprop that also happens to seriously bang. That's a thing people say, right?
Guzzard, "Tadpole"
I'm pretty sure that we've talked about Guzzard before, but I'm sure nobody read that and/or forgot it. They're one of the lesser known Amphetamine Reptile bands, coming in towards the end of that label's run. They also trucked in a less dense form of rock than most of their label mates, not only being a trio but also tending a bit more towards the pop end of the spectrum. Not like they were pop, but they bore more resemblence to other indie rock bands than they did to, say, the Cows. Nevertheless, their songwriting was always sharp, and they deserved better than to be totally forgotten. If they had ended up on Merge or Sub Pop or something, I think they would have been pretty big. This video had 20 views before I put it on this playlist (it'll have about 23 by the time we're done).