Mudhoney, "In My Finest Suit"
Ever the self-sabotaging band, Mudhoney found themselves on a major label during the grunge gold rush and released Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge, one of the least grunge-y records they ever released. Sales were not great, and by 1995, Kurt Cobain was dead and the grunge bubble was collapsing. So, of course, they headed back and released one of their MOST grunge-y records, My Brother The Cow. This song, for instance, would have sat comfortably on their self-titled record without anybody really noticing stylistic problems.
Cobalt, "Dry Body"
Gin was the last album by the original lineup for Cobalt, but that's underselling things. When you're a two-person band, changing a single person essentially makes you a new band. Anyway, it's a fine extreme metal record, showing a good mastery of manipulating tempo to really make things interesting.
Mono, "Meet Us Where The Night Ends"
I probably have too much post-rock in here.
The Undercover Dream Lovers, "A Way Out"
I picked this up as part trolling through best-of lists from last year. Fun stuff at kind of a psychedelic/funk/pop intersection.
The Dillinger Escape Plan, "Limerent Death"
The opener of the Dillinger Escape Plan's swan song, it really sets the stage for the madness of the entire record. By this point, they were so good at their disjointed, ferocious form of rock that it kind of made sense that they were ready to hang it up. This probably isn't my favorite record from them (that would be One Of Us Is The Killer), but they only made good records.