Five Songs, 5/10/2018
Five Songs

Five Songs, 5/10/2018

Do you love Five Songs?

Screeching Weasel, "You'll Be In My Dreams Today"

It probably says something about me that I own a lot more Screeching Weasel than I do the Ramones. Specifically, it says how old I am.

Jay-Z, "I Know"

One of Jay-Z's strengths is how he has a bunch of different flows that he uses on different songs. Unlike some rappers, including plenty of famous ones, he always seems to change things up to really play along with the beat. And Pharrell Williams put together a great one here.

The Contours, "Do You Love Me"

This was the only real hit for the Contours, but goddamn, what a song. I assume everybody has heard this one before. In looking at the history of the song, it looks like it charted twice: in 1962 on release and then in 1988, after appearing on the Dirty Dancing soundtrack. That's cool! Good work, people of 1988.

Butthole Surfers, "Hay"


I guess we'll talk about the Surfers some other time when we get a real song.

Portal, "Omenknow"

Cut from similar cloth as Deathspell Omega and Pyrrhon, Portal play super murky, very challenging metal that revels in being difficult. While it's sometimes hard to spot undernearth a deliberately obfuscated production, there's a hell of a lot of cool shit going on in this stuff. Vexovoid is my favorite album of theirs, a fascinating listen.

Joshua Buergel
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Five Songs, 5/11/2018

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