Black Eyes, "Deformative"
Always enjoy songs that sounds like somebody set the wrong speed on the turntable.
Filibuster, "Fat Cat"
Well, here's a real rarity for you. This album came out in 1995, pretty early in the third wave of ska, and I had totally forgotten about it until now. I can usually pull up some details about all these forgotten third wave acts, your Articles and Los Hooligans or whoever, but folks? I got absolutely nothing. Not bad, though!
Rocket From The Crypt, "Savoir Faire"
Fuck yeah!
I have a half-baked theory I just came up with: rock songs by American bands with French in the title rock extra hard. I don't know why I think this, but I'm gonna stand by it.
Gigan, "Wade Forward Through Matter And Backwards Through Time"
Absolutely bonkers technical death metal out of Chicago. Hope you wanted ten minutes of punishment today! I really wonder sometimes what the writing process for something like this is like. It's kind of hard to imagine.
The Gutter Twins, "Idle Hands"
The titular Gutter Twins here are Greg Dulli (Afghan Whigs, Twilight Singers) and Mark Lanegan (Screaming Trees, solo work, lots of collabs). They've worked together quite a bit before, on each others' records, so it's not a surprise that they sound good together. I will say that Dulli is such a distinctive songwriter that sort of everything he has a hand in winds up sounding like his stuff. So, more or less, this is a Twilight Singers record. Which isn't a bad thing!