Advertisement, "Pretty Money"
I'm a huge Seattle homer, so when I mention that this is a Seattle act, just deflate your ratings appropriately. But after a charming EP (on cassette!), they put out their first LP in 2020, and it's quite good. Their lineup is pretty extensive (six people), resulting in some nice, full arrangements for their tunes. I don't know that it's surprising, but I just enjoy having some rock sometimes, especially from the Pacific Northwest. Listen local!
People Under The Stairs, "Selfish Destruction"
The first track on 2012's Highlighter, it's a little further away from the bouncy, party grooves that they usually lay down. The whole album isn't quite like this, but it's nice to hear them depart from the formula now and then.
Einstürzende Neubauten, "Silence is Sexy"
God, it's so good. I think it would have been simple and hacky to make a song titled "Silence is Sexy" turn into some giant tumble of noisy savagery halfway through. It would have been the obvious punchline. But Neubauten didn't go there - the song still is loaded with drama, still builds, but you do not predict where it's going.
Rockabye Baby!, "Just Like Heaven"
Goddammit, I was having a good time.
Amogh Symphony, "Osir"
Some real whiplash going on today. Whatever, I'm not going to try and parse it. Enjoy!