Five Songs, 6/10/2022
Five Songs

Five Songs, 6/10/2022

Bedhead, "Haywire"

Bedhead is the musical equivalent of a weighted blanket.

Lambchop, "The Gusher"

Lambchop is, uh, a velvet smoking jacket, a faded photo of your grandparents, a mostly empty bottle of rye, and a ticket stub for a concert that you can't actually tell who it was for but you know it was an excellent concert.

PIG, "Valley of the Ignorant"

PIG, meanwhile, is what you get when it's J.G. Thirlwell who was trapped in amber and they weren't preoccupied enough with whether they should.

OK, I think we're done with this.

Has-Lo, "Paulie"

A lot of the time, when you've got a hip-hop track at 1:26, it's an abstract song that is just a showcase for a beat, so it's fun to have a full song in that 1:26 with lyrics and everything.

Negativland, "Favorite Things"

I wish I knew why I enjoy this sort of thing so much, but I do.

Joshua Buergel
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Five Songs, 6/11/2022

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Five Songs, 6/9/2022