Steady Earnest, "Skin It Up"
Steady Earnest is an all-star band of Boston ska bands, most importantly featuring Dan Vitale of Bim Skala Bim on vocals. Because he fronts it, Bim is the closest comparison, and if you like one band, you'll like the other for sure.
James Brown, "It's a Man's Man's Man's World"
After complaining about not being able to remember if we've had songs before, I can say: we definitely had this one. It's too distinctive to not remember.
Sannhet, "Moral"
Sannhet is an instrumental metal band out of Brooklyn, having made three albums so far of this sort of post-rock meets black metal kind of thing. Of the three records, I think the first one (this one, Known Flood) is the best, sounding the freshest of the bunch. There have been somewhat diminishing returns on the albums afterwards.
Mono Men, "Swampland"
Here we find the Mono Men on their first record, playing a sort of primitive garage rock. But that's not because they didn't know what they were doing, the primitivism and back-to-basics was the point of the exercise. If you like your rock music without frills, just down in the dirt, these are your boys. Alas, true to form, this stuff isn't available on Spotify.
OutKast, "Good Day, Good Sir"
There were not very many skits on Speakerboxxx / The Love Below, thankfully. But here's one.
Paris Combo, "Attraction"
Boy, we're all over the place today.