Buck-O-Nine, "Voice In My Head"
We like to mock the third wave of ska here at Funf Songs, because it's eminently mockable. But, there's a reason why we have so much of the damn stuff, and that's that when it's done well, it's sprightly and charming and summer-y. In the winter, it reminds of long, bright, warm days. In the summer, it just ups the mood to another level. Buck-O-Nine weren't amazing, but they were pleasant and good and it's worthwhile to just listen to some pleasant and good things sometimes.
The Slackers, "Prophet"
And, you know, at least one band of the third wave was, and still is, amazing. I've sung the praises of the Slackers before, but you can hear their greatness in this song. Listen to that thick, dub-y bass. Listen to that restrained, intimate sax solo. Listen to Vic Ruggiero's little embellishments behind the sax solo. Listen to how the production on the trumpet solo gives a feeling of this music happening in space. This is such an assured song, and that it is from their debut album is just that much more extraordinary.
Prefuse 73, "Sao Paulo Arkansas"
The jagged interfaces between the different synth parts in the early part of this song are just tripping my brains out. The warmth of those synth tones combined with the washes later in the song have the overall feel of this being pretty somethingwave-y.
(that's probably wrong)
(NB: the song starts at 20:28 on this video)
Fluf, "Kim Thayil's Paw"
San Diego's Fluf played what were basically pop rock songs with huge guitar parts. The later Torche actually always reminded me of Fluf, who put out five albums by my count (although their discography is a little confusing), and they're all pretty solid. This song is, of course, a deliberate tribute to Soundgarden, and they really nail the feel of the guitar.
Also, while I'm here, the album cover for this claims it was recorded in Fuckophonic sound, which is amazing. Also, the album is called Mangravy. Honestly, that throwback album cover looking like some old 60s record is just great across the board.
M.O.P., "G-Building"
Nice, punishing beat here. Good stuff today! Good hustle, shuffle! Shuffle hustle.