Five Songs, 8/2/2022
Five Songs

Five Songs, 8/2/2022

Floor, "Downed Star"

There's a longing feel to a lot of Floor, an almost wistful tint to the vocal style. When it's married to the thrumming music, it's a fun combination.

Beastie Boys, "5-Piece Chicken Dinner"

I love Paul's Boutique, but this is just a goof out-of-context. OK, it's a goof in-context also, but it makes sense with the album sequence.

Pyrrhon, "Goat Mockery Ritual"

Oh hell yeah. One of my favorite metal bands, Pyrrhon takes death metal and adds so much dissonance and spastic experimentation that it can sometimes seem overwhelming. I think at some point, it's gone so far that my expectations are just shot. I don't know what's coming next, so I can just relax and revel in the twitchy glory of this whole thing. It's hard to pick a favorite album from them, you can't go wrong with any of the three most recent LPs.

Dude York, "Love Is"

Seattle band alert! This is indie rock pretty distilled, with more than a little Weezer going on. I'm not the first person to make that comparison, and it might not be as obvious on this track, because this is one of the rare tracks with bassist Claire England singing. For the other tracks, trust me, you'll hear it. Anyway, it's a perfectly enjoyable record, if not exactly groundbreaking.

Botanist, "Light"

Good day for oddball metal! Black metal bands, for the most part, don't stay black metal for forever. Stuff starts creeping in, whatever that stuff might be. In Botanist's case, as with so many other black metal bands that aren't traditional grimdark kvlt bands, is shoegaze. It fits pretty well here, though, as Botanist by inclination has always been an organic, brighter band. Generally, I don't have a ton of patience for this sort of blackgaze stuff, but they do it about as well as it can be done on Photosynthesis.

Joshua Buergel
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Five Songs, 8/3/2022

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