People Under the Stairs, "Same Beat (The Wesley Rap)"
Fun DMC is such a good album name.
Clem Snide, "Some Ghost"
After a ten year break between releasing any music under the name Clem Snide, Eef Barzelay released Forever Just Beyond in 2020, and it's a delight. Probably my favorite of his releases since Soft Spot. The songs are sweet, the production is intimate, and it's all melancholy and warm and cozy. It's a lazy nap in a sunbeam, with maybe a wistful dream drifting through your head.
Mizmor & Thou, "Prefect"
This is not that. Portland's black metal band Mizmor got together with sludge doom kings Thou for Myopia this year, which continued Thou's winning streak of collaborations. It's a bleak, brutal listen, unrelenting in its grimness. It's an album capable of galloping or dragging, and doing equally well with both. One of the highlights of 2022 so far.
Korn, "Blind"
I've never been a nu-metal guy. In fact, I think Korn's debut might be the only nu-metal record I own. I guess I have that one System of a Down record also. Anyway, I'm someone who wandered into metal towards the extreme end of things. I got into industrial first, moved from there towards things like Godflesh, which led to stuff like Napalm Death. From there, I started getting into noise, and then into other experimental stuff. I might be the only person on the planet who listened to Zeni Geva before ever hearing a Metallica record in full. So by the time Korn arrived on the scene, my tastes in metal were already pretty out there, so this didn't click with me.
The Crinn, "Against the Flow"
Yeah, better!