
400 Blows

Five Songs

Five Songs, 5/31/2022

I'm really wobbling here - I think at some point pretty soon, I'm going to stop updating this every day. It just consumes a little bit too much of my creative time, and I'd like to do something else. 400 Blows, "The Root of Our...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 2/8/2021

400 Blows, "The Ugly Are So Beautiful" There's a ruthless, efficient logic at the heart of 400 Blows. The find their groove, riff, or idea and just hammer away at it. It's not that they're robotic or simplistic or anything, but they recognize that repetition...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 9/30/2020

The Allstonians, "One Day" The Allstonians produced two fantastic albums in the heart of the third wave, their self-titled record and Allston Beat. Both were fine, tuneful examples of what the third wave did well, horn driven tunes that borrowed liberally from ska history. There...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 2/11/2018

Today's music. Dis, "Untitled" Back in the day, when CDs were still fairly novel, some bands felt compelled to goof around with the medium. The best known of these goofs, and one of the most annoying, was the "hidden track", where bands would put in...