
Boards Of Canada

Five Songs

Five Songs, 9/10/2022

The Apples in Stereo, "IV. From Outside, in Floats a Music Box" Were it not for the presence of "floats", this would be the kind of title you might find on a really pretentious prog album. I guess "twee" and "pretentious" are just two sides...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 5/25/2022

The Magnetic Fields, "The Way You Say Good-Night" You know, the only Magnetic Fields record I've ever heard is this one. There are a lot more, and I have no idea if this record is an outlier in their sound or not. When they started...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 3/13/2019

Well, it starts out pretty well. Boards of Canada, "Smokes Quantity" A little bit ago, when Seattle was pretty snowed in, I trundled in to work, and my travel mug popped open in my bag. Everything was soaked, ruining a nice deck of cards, a...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 6/11/2018

Five Songs took a little break there. Had to recharge our batteries. It's a grind getting out here and writing nothing of consequence about music nobody has heard or cares about! Well, we're back! A programming note: I'm really tired of doing the "previously"s....

Five Songs

Five Songs, 4/10/2018

Some good stuff today. Pond, "Wheel" My favorite bands to highlight here are those that haven been largely forgotten, maybe because they were on the periphery of their scenes, and never really left the kind of critical mark that makes future listeners discover them among...