Five Songs, 8/19/2022
Bricks, "History of Lies" I think this might be a repeat, but I'm gonna be honest - it's a little hard to tell with Bricks songs. Let's check. OH MY GOD, this is the fourth time this song has come up! And we've never had...
Bricks, "History of Lies" I think this might be a repeat, but I'm gonna be honest - it's a little hard to tell with Bricks songs. Let's check. OH MY GOD, this is the fourth time this song has come up! And we've never had...
Xenia Rubinos, "Cherry Tree" A thing that always strikes me about this project is that it seems like past me always had better judgement and taste than present me. It's very strange living in your own shadow and constantly having your own diminishment displayed so...
Mary Wells, "You Beat Me To The Punch" Lots of Mary Wells recently, which is OK by me! Olivia Tremor Control, "The Opera House" Music From The Unrealized Film Script, Dusk at Cubist Castle is one of the key documents of the indie pop underground...
Rancid, "Time Bomb" I sincerely wish that Rancid made more songs like this. It's just such fun! Who is against this? Other than Rancid, I mean. Mudhoney, "No End In Sight" Have we had a lot of Mudhoney recently? It seems like we have. I'm...