Jake One, "Great Sound"
You know, if you're going to do a skit, this is the way to do it.
J Church, "Cosmonaut"
A cut from the final J Church album, The Horror of Life. By this point, Lance Hahn was already battling the kidney...
Pond, "Filler"
As always: not the Australian band, but the grunge-adjacent band from Portland. And also, as always, I'll recommend all three Pond records as being some of the finest from the grunge scene, peripheral as they were. This tune is off their worst album,...
The Ocean, "Bathyalpelagic I: Impasses"
You know, I think the zone is actually bathypelagic, not bathyalpelagic. Come on The Ocean, get your shit together!
Claw Hammer, "Succotash"
Jon Wahl really has one of the unique voices in rock, and certainly in underground rock. He sounds...
The Mr. T Experience, "Bridge to Taribithia"
Thoroughly enjoyable instrumental from Our Bodies Our Selves, one of the stronger mid-career MTX albums.
Claw Hammer, "Uncontrollable Urge"
This song is a serious jam, even when it's a very straightforward cover of the song. I've decided that...
NoFX, "Six Pack Girls"
Another track from the bootleg Maximum Rocknroll, which wasn't authorized by the band and contains a bunch of pretty poor quality stuff. Not great!
Claw Hammer, "Uncontrollable Urge"
This is such a good song, goddamn. Claw Hammer really nails it, too....