
Ex Hex

Five Songs

Five Songs, 5/8/2022

Ex Hex, "Hot and Cold" There's an extremely 80s feel to Ex Hex. I get a false sense memory of sitting in the back of Monza when we pick up the college radio station at Washington State University, and being intrigued by hearing something a...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 1/14/2022

Atmosphere, "Lovelife" A thing that strikes me about listening to early Atmosphere (this is from their second album, 2002's God Loves Ugly) is how young Slug sounds on these tracks. He still sounds like the same person later, but there's less weariness in his tone...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 3/27/2021

fIREHOSE, "Sophisticated Bitch" We've had this Public Enemy cover before, so bonus song today! The Hidden Cameras, "Music Is My Boyfriend" You know, I have this band squirreled away in my brain as "extremely twee, not my favorite", and so I haven't listened to this...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 10/12/2020

Jan Jelinek, "John Cage, I've Been Told To Ask You The Following Question: Where Are You Going?" Jan Jelinek, expiremental sampling wizard, is best known for creating glitchy, minimal electronic work. Loop-Finding-Jazz-Records is a masterpiece, one of my favorite electronic albums. This, however, comes from...